Online Tutoring


In addition to Guided Mentorships, I also offer individual online tutoring services for students who want a little more time and attention. I limit the amount of tutoring clients I take on, because it is important to me to be able to give my full attention and time to each student I accept. If you do not live in the Bay Area, online tutoring is the closest thing you can get to in-person writing sessions with me.


If you sign up for online tutoring, here is what happens:
  • We will schedule a weekly or biweekly time for us to meet for 45 minutes either by phone or “face to face” on the computer using Skype. This will be a guided lesson with me, working on a writing assignment or activity, in exactly the same way we would for an in-person lesson.
  • I will give the student a short “homework” assignment at the end of our lesson, continuing or building upon what we did during our class time.
  • Sometime during the week, the student emails me his or her written assignment for that week.
  • I spend 15 minutes (actually, I always spend more than this, but I only charge for 15 minutes to round out the full hour) making edits and comments to the student’s piece, using Track Changes either on Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
  • After reading through the student’s piece multiple times, I give comments and suggestions to help him or her edit their work to make it better. In order to be most helpful, I am a strong believer that comments must be constructive and specific. I always include positive praise and compliments in addition to suggestions and feedback for improvement.
  • The next class, we talk about the assignment and my suggestions for improvement, and I answer any questions the student has before we move on to the next topic and assignment.



My rate for online tutoring is $50 for each session, which includes my preparation time for individualized lessons and a brief feedback session with parents after each lesson.

Lessons and writing activities are tailored to the type of writing you most want to practice. We can work on creative writing, essay writing, book reports, or a mix of everything.

Online tutoring will help you improve, sharpen, and add new tools to your “writing toolbox.”


* Note: online tutoring is meant as a supplemental writing program for students. For professional editing or college application coaching services, my work is more intensive and as such, my rates are higher. Contact me to discuss my rates for your specific needs.


You can pay by check, using Chase QuickPay, or with PayPal below:

Online Tutoring Services

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